Friday 4 January 2013

Welcome all to the New Year, I do hope that you all have a very healthy one, but like all new years some start with good news and some with bad.
First the Good news is that the Government have managed to weather the storm thus far, and reduced our national deficit by a third, but what dose that mean for you and me. well it means we have to pay far less in interest and that savings can be used in two ways, first to reduce the deficit even further and next to invest more money in Schools and Hospitals.
It is worth remembering that we inherited the debt from the last Labour Government, who still to this day thinks we should borrow more, This was the same labour Government under Brown who let the Banks off the leash and the same Labour government who forgot to ring fence money so that it was spent on front line services and not on large salary increases for back room management.
And now we have the Lib Dems, and lets just look at what they are  really about. they would like to means test ALL pensioners to see if they can stop the winter fuel payment (after Ed Davey  agreed to to a surcharge on all bills ) and at he same time stop bus passed . this is the same Lib Dem lot who broke promises to Students and the families of  students, how can anyone trust them during 2013 or beyond.?
It will take time to sort out this mess, but who would you like to see do this ? , The labour lot who got us into the mess or the Lib Dems who it would seem talk with falked tongues .
We are getting there, it will take time and there will be criticism along the way, but we Conservative see  a light at the end of the tunnel, we have a plan we will stick to the job of ensuring that this Country will weather the storm and come out much stronger that we were when we took over the rains

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