Wednesday 12 September 2012

Remember who got us into this mess

Labour left Britain in a mess and why we need to clear it up
Labour left us spending £120 million every day just paying the interest on the debt – and that bill is getting bigger.
The banks made a bad situation worse, but what really got Britain into this mess was years of Labour spending money we didn’t have.
It would have been much easier not to deal with the debt problem. But everyone knows that, as when someone runs up a massive credit card bill, the longer you put off dealing with debt, the worse it gets and the more it costs.
Delay would just pass this generation’s debt onto our children, stall economic recovery and cost even more.
Labour created a something for nothing culture
Labour’s something for nothing culture was about more than just the Government borrowing money that we did not have.
They failed to tackle welfare so that it was easier to sit at home rather than going out to work, but then, unbelievably, they voted against our plans to cap benefits.
They let immigration get out of control, but then, unbelievably, they opposed our plans to cap it.
They failed to improve our education system, but now oppose our plans to create more good schools for our children.

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