Wednesday 1 October 2008

From David Cameron

American soldiers start their rest and recuperation the day they arrive back home, our troops have to count the days they spend getting home.
We've got troops' families living in sub-standard homes; we've got soldiers going into harm's way without the equipment they need…
…we've got businesses in our country that instead of welcoming people in military uniform and honouring their service choose to turn them away and refuse them service.
That is all wrong and we are going to put it right.
We are going to stop sending young men to war without the equipment they need, we're going to stop treating our soldiers like second class citizens…
…we will do all it takes to keep our country safe and we will do all it takes to protect the heroes who risk everything for us.
And today there are a particular group of heroes that I have in mind.
They fought for us in the slit trenches of Burma…the jungles of Malaya…and the freezing cold of the Falklands.
Yesterday the courts ruled that gurkhas who want to come and live in Britain should be able to.
They risked their lives for us and now we must not turn our backs on them.

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