Thursday 17 July 2008

Councillor Howard Jones says Lib Dem Executive is clearly in panic

The Lib Dem Executive is clearly in panic and avoiding the real issue. THEY WILL STOP WEEKLY COLLECTIONS OF RUBBISH from the majority of households in the Borough.
Everyone knows that and nearly everyone I have spoken to is against it. It would be interesting to know what the Lib Dems call the material that will now be collected fortnightly. We know it is what normal people call RUBBISH. Recyclate is not rubbish – it will be re-used – by definition.
We are happy that recyclate will be collected weekly and that more things will be recycled – bottles, plastics, papers, cardboard etc – we have always advocated that. We fought the last election on a proposal to extend the weekly recycling collections to weekly and have never deviated from that position.
But we have always believed that the remaining rubbish should be collected weekly and so do the people who signed our petition.
Nobody forced people to sign the petition; they did it of their own free will.
This issue is such an embarrassment for the Lib Dem Leadership – they know that 67% on their own MORI poll supported our policy and only 19% supported theirs. They are scared stiff of the possible electoral consequences and are trying to mislead people by saying that ‘weekly rubbish collections will continue.’
Councillor Howard Jones
Leader of the Conservative Opposition
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