Sunday 22 June 2008

Your Money again

Once again we see the Lib/Dems go back on their word and give more money to the Rose, despite saying that they would not put more money into the Theatre, having put millions of council tax payers money in already, We Conservatives have always been in favour on a Theatre, but not in favour of using our tax money to pay for it.
Road and pavement repair is one area that we are trying to address, but the Lib/Dems cut around £65000 form our budget, and that meant we had to draw up a list of priorities and cut back on others, but will try and use any under spend from last year to address those issues.
New Malden High Street is an ongoing Problem; we are trying to put right the previous administration of MCNC mistakes, and of course we have no control over the utilities, like Water and Gas Electricity, who seems for ever trying to fine a reason for digging it up.
Our support in the St James Ward is continuing to grow, and new members are coming on board, if you would like to join our ever-expanding membership, please let us know and we will send you the information.
It also nice to see our neighbours in Beverly Ward go from strength to strength, im sure we will hear a lot more about their activities, but note they will be running a stall during the New Malden fortnight, so give them your support

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